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These Christmas holidays I have visited Roe’s nativity scene, which is near Sedico underground Roe’s church.

The nativity scene was first established in 1991 and every year it opens to the public from 25th December to 31th January.

It is 80 cm high and very big, about 16 square metres. The nativity represents a miniature old village with its realistic houses and a beautiful scenery on the background.

A lot of people, both adults and young people, work on the nativity; in fact in the historical photos that are on the entrance, I noticed that young people have been more and more present in these last few years.

The characteristic of this nativity is that some characters and some objects, for example the smith, the carpenter, the fisherman, the watermill, the baker and the weaver are moving and there is an alternation of day and night, with the appearance of the comet.

Every year the scenes change, the setting in particular.


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